Walking with Risé and Renie October 20, 2022

If your maple or gingko is in the sun it has already begun to color your yard. The size of our trees makes the fall more colorful than the spring. Enjoy the amazing colors of this fall.


Clerodendrum on east side of Lullwater. Great pollinator. And the mystery plant—at the end of Darlene’s driveway and in the Conservation Garden.

Rolling with Risé and Renie - August 24th

Rolling, as broken bone in foot precludes walking for another month. Hoping to focus on members gardens. This week—Window boxes. Ideas by the bushel.

Here are highlights from Ann’s Garden. Every window has its own special window box. The August rains have kept all lush and wonderful. There is even a window box for the fairies in her granddaughters’ secret garden.

Plants start out small but by summer’s end you will have a really full display.

Watching Over the Old Growth Forest

We recently had arborists come to the Garden and meet with members of the committee about our forest’s needs. After walking through, it was discovered that seven dead trees needed to be removed as they posed danger to the walking paths. Several other dead branches were pruned off of trees that were also seen as potentially dangerous. As an Old Growth Forest, the well-being of our trees is very important to us, and keeping our forest clear of dead growth allows our trees to stay healthy. This kind of work is only possible through the generosity of our community. Now, we hope to continue this work and keep our Garden healthy!

Piles of Progress UPDATE

The chipping process has begun! The piles of limbs gathered from the earlier cleanup are being chipped so they can be recycled as path cover and used to protect against additional invasive species growth. The process is ongoing, and we hope to have more information on the results soon.
